Undergraduate I.D. NFT

The Entry Level Crypto College NFT Collection


Undergraduate is the entry level tier of Crypto College membership. These are considered to optimal infrequent crypto/P2E users and members who wish to participate in only a select few of Crypto College events, activities, and resources. These members will receive priority over to the public non NFT holding members.

Cardano Policy I.D: 717f1ed5596a1d122f97a723e016b189d20ea0da0cda39e8fdb56a5b

*NOTE* The policy for this collection is unlocked. As new cosmetics and traits are added, various "trade in" events will be available to ensure the collection remains visually competitive with the other collections and new traits can be added.

Undergraduate I.D. Tokenomics

Total Supply: Unlimited Launch Price: $20 Wave Volume: 50 NFTs Wave Price Multiplier: 1.1x (10%)

After each wave of 50 NFTs are sold, the price for the next 50 will increase 10% from the previous wave's price. (see our wave multiplier theory for reasoning) Limited Supply- The Problem Modern crypto currency economic systems place limited token supply as the bedrock of their tokenomic system. A token with capped supply directly hedges against an inflationary currency and seeks to create value through limiting supply in circulation. Many NFT systems emulate this practice with the same intent however, often fail due to the failure to consider a fundamental attribute of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). A Non-Fungible Token differs from a traditional token in that it cannot be divided into a lesser of parts. While a limited token can be infinitely divided across an ever growing population, NFTs cannot. A mint supply of 5,000 NFTs can only ever be owned by a maximum of 5,000 individuals. If demand exceeds this, the value increases proportional to the demand. While on the surface this is great for the value of the individual's holding the NFTs, this does not promote new money to enter the system. When an economic utility is added to the NFTs themselves (like providing access to participating in an economy) it severely limits the growth model of the system. Many systems require new participants to continually onboard and compete for the demand of the project. This oversight is often the reason for a "blow off top" in utility projects, where members who otherwise would have entered the system, were not able to due to an artificial limitation of entry supply. Those users who bought in, simply compete amongst each other for a share of the profits. This is not reflective of a traditional economy where the goods and services expand in relationship to those willing to participate.

Our Solution

An unlimited supply of Graduate and Undergraduate NFTs allow us to expand our project without constrains from our founding tokenomics. Instead, an ever increasing minting price was adopted. When demand is low, the floor price will be lower than the minting price, ensuring sellers are not competing with minting. When the floor is higher than the minting price, investors are encouraged to take risk and gamble new traits/rarities with mints. An ever increasing wave price promotes a linear and directional economy where early investors are not competing with the developers. The developers mint price is a function of the growth *rate* while the reseller market is in relationship with the amount of total members participating. This is synonymous with the real world commodities of gold or oil. There is technically almost an infinite supply, it just becomes increasingly more difficult and costly to acquire as the immediate and readily available reserves are harvested.

Burn Mechanism(s)

Upgrade- During specific events (while supplies last), users may burn 5 Undergraduate NFTs for a free Graduate Mint. This feature is to create an arbitrage opportunity between the Undergraduate and Graduate collections.

Trade In- As the project advances and expands, there will be an opportunity for NFTs possessing an outdated trait or trait from an expired project, creating a "bounty" type opportunity for users on the marketplace. Members may burn these NFTs for a free remint.



The graduate collection features a reduced rate of rare, epic, and legendary traits. These traits often provide unique privileges/benefits to the holders of those traits. (See Traits section for full list)


Undergraduate members will receive the "Undergraduate Role" that provides less limited chat privileges of public spaces within the discord in conjunction with a dull yellow colored font. Graduates receive their own voice/text chat rooms in addition to the ability to access the lesser rooms.

Event Access

Undergraduates receive moderate access to events with an admission fee of $CCC. This includes metaverse land access, lotteries, giveaways, competitions, etc.

P2E Resources/Scholarships

Graduate members who possess NFTs with specific traits have various access to P2E Resources/Scholarships (explicit details vary by project) as well as access to bots, and bot programs. Crypto College will provide links and limited guidance to utilize these resources.

Priority Access

Undergraduates holders will receive indirect access to founders and Crypto College admin team. Undergraduates will receive privileged information that may provide arbitrage opportunity like token burn events, upcoming unannounced events, and second notice of any partnerships, whitelists, and features often a day before public announcements.

Last updated